Posted on 2:31 AM by Softminer and filed under

public string base64Encode(string data)
byte[] encData_byte = new byte[data.Length];
encData_byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
string encodedData = Convert.ToBase64String(encData_byte);
return encodedData;
catch(Exception e)
throw new Exception("Error in base64Encode" + e.Message);

public string base64Decode(string data)
System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoder = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
System.Text.Decoder utf8Decode = encoder.GetDecoder();

byte[] todecode_byte = Convert.FromBase64String(data);
int charCount = utf8Decode.GetCharCount(todecode_byte, 0, todecode_byte.Length);
char[] decoded_char = new char[charCount];
utf8Decode.GetChars(todecode_byte, 0, todecode_byte.Length, decoded_char, 0);
string result = new String(decoded_char);
return result;
catch(Exception e)
throw new Exception("Error in base64Decode" + e.Message);
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