Posted on 5:42 AM by Softminer and filed under

after creating webapplication you should enable the http,net.tcp port.

windows communication foundation service should be enables in Windows component
WAS ( windows activation service) : when we add this then .svc will add to the handlers

then call this on IE
And then we have to call with

when you call this the the MEX file will be created and then the net.tcp will work
then you can call service by WCF test client

WCF test client is in this address:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE

run it and add this service to it

PS: if it doesnt work please check if net.tcp protocol is in sitebinding
right click on (default website and click on edit banding)
if net.tcp is not in the list add it as follow:
Responses to ... installing WCF .svc services on IIS 7