As of IIS 8 Application Initialization is part of the IIS feature set. For IIS 7 and 7.5 there's a separate download available via Web Platform Installer. Using IIS 8 Application Initialization is an optional install component in Windows or the Windows Server Role Manager:

This is an optional component so make sure you explicitly select it.
IIS Configuration for Application Initialization
Initialization needs to be applied on the Application Pool as well as the IIS Application level. As of IIS 8 these settings can be made through the IIS Administration console.
Start with the Application Pool:

Here you need to set both the Start Automatically which is always set, and the StartMode which should be set to AlwaysRunning. Both have to be set - the Start Automatically flag is set true by default and controls the starting of the application pool itself while Always Running flag is required in order to launch the application. Without the latter flag set the site settings have no effect.
Now on the Site/Application level you can specify whether the site should pre load:

At this point ASP.NET apps should auto-load. This is all that's needed to pre-load the site if all you want is to get your site launched automatically.
If you want a little more control over the load process you can add a few more settings to your web.config file that allow you to show a static page while the App is starting up. This can be useful if startup is really slow, so rather than displaying blank screen while the user is fiddling their thumbs you can display a static HTML page instead:
This allows you to specify a page to execute in a dry run. IIS basically fakes request and pushes it directly into the IIS pipeline without hitting the network. You specify a page and IIS will fake a request to that page in this case ping.ashx which just returns a simple OK string - ie. a fast pipeline request. This request is run immediately after Application Pool restart, and while this request is running and your app is warming up, IIS can display an alternate static page - Startup.htm above. So instead of showing users an empty loading page when clicking a link on your site you can optionally show some sort of static status page that says, "we'll be right back". I'm not sure if that's such a brilliant idea since this can be pretty disruptive in some cases. Personally I think I prefer letting people wait, but at least get the response they were supposed to get back rather than a random page. But it's there if you need it.
Note that the web.config stuff is optional. If you don't provide it IIS hits the default site link (/) and even if there's no matching request at the end of that request it'll still fire the request through the IIS pipeline. Ideally though you want to make sure that an ASP.NET endpoint is hit either with your default page, or by specify the initializationPage to ensure ASP.NET actually gets hit since it's possible for IIS fire unmanaged requests only for static pages (depending how your pipeline is configured).
Posted on 6:42 AM by Softminer and filed under
As of IIS 8 Application Initialization is part of the IIS feature set. For IIS 7 and 7.5 there's a separate download available via Web Platform Installer. Using IIS 8 Application Initialization is an optional install component in Windows or the Windows Server Role Manager:

This is an optional component so make sure you explicitly select it.
IIS Configuration for Application Initialization
Initialization needs to be applied on the Application Pool as well as the IIS Application level. As of IIS 8 these settings can be made through the IIS Administration console.
Start with the Application Pool:

Here you need to set both the Start Automatically which is always set, and the StartMode which should be set to AlwaysRunning. Both have to be set - the Start Automatically flag is set true by default and controls the starting of the application pool itself while Always Running flag is required in order to launch the application. Without the latter flag set the site settings have no effect.
Now on the Site/Application level you can specify whether the site should pre load:

At this point ASP.NET apps should auto-load. This is all that's needed to pre-load the site if all you want is to get your site launched automatically.
If you want a little more control over the load process you can add a few more settings to your web.config file that allow you to show a static page while the App is starting up. This can be useful if startup is really slow, so rather than displaying blank screen while the user is fiddling their thumbs you can display a static HTML page instead:
This allows you to specify a page to execute in a dry run. IIS basically fakes request and pushes it directly into the IIS pipeline without hitting the network. You specify a page and IIS will fake a request to that page in this case ping.ashx which just returns a simple OK string - ie. a fast pipeline request. This request is run immediately after Application Pool restart, and while this request is running and your app is warming up, IIS can display an alternate static page - Startup.htm above. So instead of showing users an empty loading page when clicking a link on your site you can optionally show some sort of static status page that says, "we'll be right back". I'm not sure if that's such a brilliant idea since this can be pretty disruptive in some cases. Personally I think I prefer letting people wait, but at least get the response they were supposed to get back rather than a random page. But it's there if you need it.
Note that the web.config stuff is optional. If you don't provide it IIS hits the default site link (/) and even if there's no matching request at the end of that request it'll still fire the request through the IIS pipeline. Ideally though you want to make sure that an ASP.NET endpoint is hit either with your default page, or by specify the initializationPage to ensure ASP.NET actually gets hit since it's possible for IIS fire unmanaged requests only for static pages (depending how your pipeline is configured).
First download the sample here:
Then you have to create a project in Firebase
download google-services.json
right click on the google-service.json and set the Build Action vlaue to GoogleServicesJson
when your app is running the device get the token.
To send notification to device you need serverkey which you get from firebase server and token which you get from device in running mode
To send by postmann

you can write small c# code to post to sever by webclient:
Using Microsoft Azure
First download the sample here:
Then you have to create a project in Firebase
download google-services.json
right click on the google-service.json and set the Build Action vlaue to GoogleServicesJson
when your app is running the device get the token.
To send notification to device you need serverkey which you get from firebase server and token which you get from device in running mode
To send by postmann

you can write small c# code to post to sever by webclient:
using (var client = new WebClient()) { var values = "{\"to\" : \"toekn",\"notification\" : {\"body\" : \"test\",\"title\" : \"title\",\"icon\" : \"myicon\"}}"; client.Headers.Set("Content-Type", "application/json"); client.Headers.Set("Authorization", "key=serverkey"); var response = client.UploadString("https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send", values); }
Using Microsoft Azure
using System; using Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs; namespace SendToNotificationHub { class Program { public static string connectionString = "Endpoint=sb://app.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=DefaultFullSharedAccessSignature;SharedAccessKey=yourkey"; public static string NotificationHubPath = "your-hub"; static void Main(string[] args) { SendNotificationAsync(); Console.ReadLine(); } private static async void SendNotificationAsync() { NotificationHubClient hub = NotificationHubClient.CreateClientFromConnectionString (connectionString, NotificationHubPath); var alert = "{\"aps\":{\"alert\":\"Hi!\"}}"; await hub.SendAppleNativeNotificationAsync(alert); } } }
to host on IIS
on project properties
to host on IIS
on project properties
IIS express
Project files have the information related to the IIS Express and it’s basic settings; whereas there are several configuration files that are required to host and run a web application. You can find all the IIS Express related files under \users\\My Documents \ IISExpress\Config .
Open the “applicationhost.config” file in any text editor, and search for your web application name. You will find a section similar to the image shown in below.